
The rescue Bengal mama cat rejoices as her last two babies defy the odds and survive, flooding her with overwhelming happiness and gratitude

CANADA – This beautiful Snow Bengal cat had so many kittens taken away from her just before she was rescued. When she had her last two miracle kittens, she held them in her arms and wouldn’t let them go.

This is the story of Felicity the mama cat and her babies, Felix and Keiko

Felicity was rescued from a backyard breeder by TinyKittens, which is a rescue group in Langley, British Columbia. The Bengal cat was in terrible shape and in need of urgent help.

“She had anxiety, fleas, ear mites, tapeworms, an Upper Respiratory Infection, a uterine infection which put her babies at serious risk,” TinyKittens explained.

Back at the time, the sweet Bengal showed many signs of miscarriage, however, the incredible mama cat pulled through and gave birth to two beautiful babies.

“I can’t even say how overjoyed I am that Felicity has two healthy kittens and that her days as a baby factory are now over.”

Mama gave birth for the very last time. She held her babies within her arms and wouldn’t let go.

Since the day her babies were born, Felicity has been right at their side every step of the way.

She worked tirelessly around the clock both nursing and caring for them. The protective mama cat literally showered her babies with so much love that it was simply inspiring to watch.

Mama herself came to the rescue in terrible shape but she wanted to get better for her furries as she knew they depended on her. With some TLC from the TinyKittens rescuers, she was successfully nursed back to health.

Not only does Felicity absolutely love her kittens to bits, but she adores people despite her past.

“She is very talkative, and is just as snuggly as she is playful.”Felicity also loves to have conversations with her human friends and is extremely friendly to other cats and dogs.

The two Bengal kittens have truly rubbed off their mama’s personality, and are as sweet as they can be.

“Felicity is the reason we advocate ‘Adopt Don’t Shop!’ Adopting from a rescue or shelter will get you amazing cats and kittens, AND you’ll be saving lives,” TinyKittens stated.

“Felicity had so many kittens taken away from her, we hated the thought of separating her from her last litter of kittens at adoption time.

Mama Felicity will forever be with her last two kitties and they will be able to keep on cuddling.

It was truly the happiest day when Mama Felicity and her kittens moved into their forever loving home.

“They will spend the rest of their lives being adored and pampered,” Felicity’s human mom stated.

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