
Rashford and Grealish’s Wags put Man Utd vs City rivalry behind them at lunch ahead of FA Cup final

THE Wags of Marcus Rashford and Jack Grealish put the Manchester United versus Manchester City rivalry behind them as they went out for lunch.

The England duo will go head-to-head at Wembley in the Manchester derby FA Cup final on June 3.

Sasha Attwood, left, and Lucia Loi went out for lunchCredit: Eamonn and James Clarke

The partners of Marcus Rashford and Jack Grealish put their on-field rivalry asideCredit: Eamonn and James Clarke

The duo dined in

CheshireCredit: Eamonn and James Clarke

Lucia is Marcus Rashford’s fianceeCredit: Eamonn and James Clarke

Sasha carried a luxury handbagCredit: Eamonn and James Clarke

But in the meantime, Rashford’s fiancee Lucia Loi and Grealish’s girlfriend Sasha Attwood hung out together.

The pair are friends from their time cheering on the Three Lions and both live in Manchester.

They were spotted in Cheshire coming out of a luxury restaurant.

Lucia wore jeans and a stylish jacket.

Meanwhile, Sasha carried a Chanel handbag worth an apparent £8,000 to go with her outfit.

They were supposedly joined by United star Luke Shaw’s long-term partner Anouska Santos too.

This is not the first time they have all gone out together, previously going on a brunch date last month.

Sasha is a model and influencer, who met Grealish while at school in Birmingham.

And Lucia keeps a lower profile as a business graduate and is thought to have dated Rashford for around nine years.

They got engaged last year in a romantic proposal in the United States.

Rashford is expected to return to full fitness by the FA Cup final after missing Man Utd’s last two games with a minor injury.

On the other hand, Grealish will be desperate to secure a second trophy of the season after winning the Premier League title at the weekend.

Man City are aiming for the treble this term as they are also in the Champions League final against Inter Milan on June 10.


Lucia Loi has dated Marcus Rashford for a rumoured nine yearsCredit: @lucialoi

Jack Grealish and Sasha Attwood met in schoolCredit: Instagram

Lucia and Rashford are also childhood sweetheartsCredit: @lucialoi

Sasha is a model and influencer

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